Saturday, December 02, 2006

Hey Cap College Animation Alumni!

I was at the Studio B party last night and I think over half the people there were grads of the Commercial Animation program! It was great to see and talk with everyone. We now have 203 grads (10 graduating classes) out there doing all kinds of animation and art and design work in all parts of the world. It doesn't seem long ago that I was looking at our first empty classroom, wondering how I was going to design the workstations...

I thought, hey wouldn't it be great to have a blog for grads to check out what everyone else is doing and for other people to see what amazing things our grads are currently up to? Kind of an alumni newsletter for the 21st century. I expect it will generate some freelance work for people as well. I'm planning to not only link to as many grads as possible, but to have interviews and online retrospectives of people's work.

So here's the blog for you talented grads of Cap's Commercial Animation program. As I find everyone's personal blogs (feel free to let me know where you reside in cyberspace) I'll link to them from this site, in order of year graduated: 1997 to 2006...and beyond!


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